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Health and Well-Being

Your success is determined by your health and well-being in perfect balance.

The importance of health and well-being is essential for personal, academic and professional success. Through initiatives that promote health and well-being you can achieve a state of satisfaction in which the person feels good physically and emotionally.

Psychologist Checks and Nutritionist Checks

ISPGAYA provides Psychologist Checks and Nutritionist Checks for Students

ISPGAYA joined the psychologist check and the nutritionist check, an initiative promoted by the Government that aims to facilitate access to healthcare for students in higher education.

Students may have access to free psychology and nutrition consultations upon expression of interest.

The consultation request must be made on the Public Services Portal of the Portuguese Republic (, where students will be able to choose the professional with whom they want to make an appointment, from a list made available by the orders professionals of psychologists and nutritionists.

For more information, the interested should contact the Social Office by email:

Students who need assistance from a psychologist or nutritionist will be able to take advantage of several consultations throughout the academic year.

Psychology Consultations

The support includes the granting of 12 psychologist checks (12 sessions with a Psychology professional).

The measure is aimed at students who need support to deal with:

  • Mental Health problems, such as anxiety or depression (more information about these problems on the Portal Eu Sinto.Me)
  • Problems at the individual, social and academic level with an impact on Mental Health. For example, relational difficulties, anxiety about exams, life situations with potential impact on academic life (moving city, bereavement, breakdown in a romantic relationship/divorce).
  • Issues related to vocational development and personal career management.
  • Physical Health Problems with an impact on Mental Health (e.g. chronic illness).


  • Between the use of the first and last Psychologist's Check, no more than one year should pass (validity of 12 months from the date of issue of the first Check).
  • Psychologist Checks can be canceled at the request of the beneficiary, due to missing two sessions without prior notice, or exceeding the expiration date.

Nutrition Consultations

The measure relating to the granting of nutritionist vouchers is aimed at students who need support to deal with the following situations:

  • involuntary weight loss;
  • low weight;
  • pre-obesity and obesity;
  • type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus;
  • dislipidemia;
  • hypertension;
  • gastrointestinal pathology;
  • chronic renal disease (excluding hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis patients);
  • cancer disease (excluding adjuvant treatment patients);
  • food intolerance or allergy;
  • neurological disease;
  • nutritional anemia;
  • disturbances of eating behavior;
  • pregnancy and postpartum.

The nutritionist check is immediately assigned to the student upon request, for evaluation purposes. The health professional, after the evaluation, may indicate the need to assign up to 5 more checks.


  • Between the use of the first and last Nutritionist's Check, no more than one year should pass (validity of 12 months from the date of issue of the first Check).
  • Nutritionist Checks can be canceled at the request of the beneficiary, due to missing two sessions without prior notice, or exceeding the expiration date.

More Mental Health, Better Higher Education

The Mental Health Promotion in Higher Education Program is a funding program that promotes the implementation of projects in the field of mental health and well-being by supporting institutions in creating an appropriate response to the increasing requests of the academic community in the areas of personal development and also strengthening the existing responses at the level of higher education institutions in promoting mental health.

Project Designation | More Mental Health, Better Higher Education

Financing | Mental Health Promotion in Higher Education Program – DGES

Start Date | 1 September 2024

End Date | 30 September 2026

Project Budget | 180.922,50 EUR

Co-financing Rate | 85% of the project's cost

Management Model | Shared financial resources

Intervention Methodology | Stepped Care Model

Number of potentially covered students | 5709

Main Objectives

A. Ensure that all IEs have specialized psychological support

B. Implement measures to promote mental health in an academic context

Specific Objectives

  • Create a coordination/monitoring structure for the Program
  • Ensure the existence of a psychological support office in all IEs
  • Promote socio-emotional and self-help skills
  • Implement psychotherapeutic interventions
  • Define specific referral routes for SNS
  • Carry out awareness and capacity building activities for mental health promotion
  • Produce and disseminate scientific knowledge in the field of mental health in higher education
  • Promote physical, mental and social well-being of the academic community
  • Characterize the mental health of students in the IEs of the Consortium
  • Promote integration and well-being of all/all students

Promoting Entity in the Consortium

ESSSM – Escola Superior de Saúde de Santa Maria

Consortium Partners

For more information contact: Júlia Ferreira, email: