Scientific Publications
ISPGAYA develops scientific research in the different areas in which it offers training, resulting in publications, books, chapters and scientific papers.
Research at ISPGAYA
Since 2010, ISPGAYA faculty members have produced a total of 611 publications, including 43 books, 162 book chapters, 292 articles in scientific journals, and 114 articles in national and international conference proceedings.
In the set of publications, 32 result from student work in Bachelor’s, CTeSP, and Master’s programs, highlighting student engagement in R&D activities from the beginning of their academic journey at ISPGAYA (7 book chapters, 23 scientific articles in indexed journals, and 2 conference presentations). Illustration 1 shows the evolution of publications from 2010 to 2024.
ISPGAYA is committed to increasing scientific production in the coming years, with a particular emphasis on increasing publications indexed in the Web of Science and Scopus, pursuing the strategic goal of expanding scientific publications to a growing number of faculty members
611 Publications
Made in total in the last decade by the faculty.
43 Books
Published of scientific value aimed at the academic world.
162 Chapters
In masterpieces by Portuguese and foreign authors.
292 Scientific papers
In indexed scientific journals, of which 89 in the Web of Science or Scopus.
114 Papers in proceedings
Presented at national and international conferences.