Turismo de Portugal awards recognition to the Bachelor's Degree in Tourism and Sustainable Business and the CTeSP in Tourism Management.

On July 20th, the Department of Pedagogical Management and Innovation of Turismo de Portugal awarded a Certificate of Recognition to courses that attest to the Technical and Pedagogical capacity of the Bachelor's Degree in Tourism and Sustainable Business and the CTeSP in Tourism Management at ISPGAYA.
The recognition by Turismo de Portugal is based on an analysis, among others, of the characterization and curricular plans of the courses, pedagogical coordination and faculty, training and evaluation methodologies, quality of facilities, resources, and equipment used, as well as the quality management system ensured by ISPGAYA and the recognition of quality attested by ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 21001:2020.
Thus, Turismo de Portugal recognizes that these courses are structured consistently with their purposes and target audience, demonstrating the articulation between objectives, program contents, training methodologies, and evaluation.
The Bachelor's Degree in Tourism and Sustainable Business at ISPGAYA aims to prepare professionals with knowledge and skills that allow them to manage various activities, services, and operations in different tourism sectors, addressing the growing challenges of quality, competitiveness, sustainability, and the demands of internationalization in the tourism industry.
The Bachelor's Degree in Tourism and Sustainable Business is accredited by the Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES), and the CTeSP in Tourism Management is registered with the Directorate-General for Higher Education (DGES).
Turismo de Portugal is the competent entity for the recognition of courses and professional training actions in the tourism field, as well as for the certification of professional aptitude for the exercise of tourism professions.
The recognition process aims to ensure that the courses in the segments of hospitality, restaurant, and tourism, taught by a training entity, meet the requirements considered essential to guarantee the quality of training and enhance the credibility of the training entities."