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Our agenda aims to contribute to personal and cultural development. Get to know the events and participate with us.

I Week of Science and Technology

From the partnership between ISPGAYA and CESAR School and the Nguzu Project, the 1st Science and Technology Week arises. From 14 to 17 October 2020, a series of online workshops and lectures will run, ranging from «Machine Learning Applications and Digital Tra...

Recent changes to the Labor Code

Have you considered the impact that changes in the Labor Code can have on Human Resources management? On December 9, from 5 pm to 6:30 pm, ISPGAYA invites you to participate in the Seminar on these same changes. Sign up here: and get to...

Coaching Motivacional

A toda a comunidade do ISPGAYA, No âmbito da unidade curricular de “Projeto Empresarial, Seminários e Empreendedorismos”, os alunos do 3º ano da Licenciatura de Gestão, vêm por este meio convidar toda a comunidade do ISPGAYA a participar no seminário “Coaching...

Corrida da Mulher

Caros AlunosO ISPGAYA vai participar na Corrida da Mulher 2019, no dia 19 de maio pelas 10h00.Nesse sentido, gostaríamos de contar com a tua presença para representar o teu ISPGAYA, nesta causa nobre.Para participares só tens que te dirigir à secretaria do ISP...