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Business Analytics

Current management suffers from a gap in data analysis. Discover and learn how to decide which is the best tool to be applied to different data analysis models.


Curricular Unit HL ECTS Institution
ESG Metrics (Environment, Social & Governance) 8 3 ISTEC / ISPGAYA
Statistics & Data Analytics 4 2 ISTEC / ISPGAYA
Business Analytics 8 3 ISTEC / ISPGAYA
Business Performance Metrics 4 2 ISTEC / ISPGAYA
Artificial Intelligence 8 3 ISTEC / ISPGAYA
Machine Learning & Data Mining 8 3 ISTEC / ISPGAYA
Data Security / Cybersecurity - ISO 27000 8 3 ISTEC / ISPGAYA
Virtualization & Cloud Computing 4 2 ISTEC / ISPGAYA
Ethics 4 2 ISTEC / ISPGAYA
Seminars (2) 8 2 ISTEC / ISPGAYA
Final Work 8 2 ISTEC / ISPGAYA


HLS - Teaching Hours

ECTS - European Credit Transfer System

Estudante de Pós-Graduação no ISPGAYA

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