SME Management
Transforming an idea into a business is within your reach. Discover the secrets of management and awaken your strategic, analytical thinking and leadership skills.
The ISPGAYA Higher Technician in SME Management course provides markedly practical and experimental training, based on the theoretical knowledge necessary for professional practice.
The SME Management Technician coordinates and executes the operations associated with the different functional areas of small and medium-sized companies, independently or as part of a team, through planning, analysis, direction and control, under the responsibility of the governing bodies. It seeks to solve problems, manage human, financial, technological and material resources, contributing to sustainable development, critical for the management of this type of companies.
Graduate Activities
- Collaborate in the preparation of the company’s annual budget, in its different aspects: financial, investment, purchasing, production and sales;
- Ensuring the necessary procedures to fulfil the entity’s obligations to the Tax Administration;
- Plan, organise and execute, autonomously, the financial and management accounting of the SME;
- Prepare information to support the preparation of financial management opinions and reports with a view to the efficient and effective performance of the SME;
- Prepare supporting documentation for processes related to international trade;
- Promote improvements in IT applications to support SME management;
- Search, collect, select, prepare and review relevant information of a financial nature, necessary to fulfil the accounting obligations of the SME;
- Take part in the development of fiscal management, commercial management and marketing policies;
- Take part in the strategic, economic and financial management of the SME;
4 Terms
EQF Level 5
With the aim of permanently monitoring the employment situation, ISPGAYA, through its Quality Observatory, maintains regular contact with its graduates.
The InfoCursos Portal of the Directorate-General for Education and Science Statistics (DGEEC) also presents data and statistics on the employability of the course.
Progression of Studies
Graduates of this CTeSP can apply for the following degree(s) without proof of entry:
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