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What happens, happens here. If you are curious to know the latest news and the most relevant events for the community, this is the right place.

ISPGAYA is part of an International Project

ISPGAYA is currently involved in an international project, promoted by Non-Governmental Organizations and Higher Education Institutions from 7 European countries. The mobility that takes place this week aims to develop a "serious game" to be used by students i...


I must regretfully communicate to the entire academic community of ISPGAYA, the death today of Prof. Doctor Manuel Augusto Ferreira da Silva. For years he was a professor at ISPGAYA and assumed various functions of scientific and academic direction, always lea...

Transform Portugal Project

The Project Transforma Portugal aims to mobilize and support higher education students in the development of responses to volunteering and civic intervention focusing on the problems generated, namely, by the pandemic COVID-19.This movement is aimed at student...

Face-to-face service in the Services - from January 22

From January 22, face-to-face service at ISPGAYA's Administrative and Treasury Services will continue to be possible, but by prior appointment. Service will be performed in one of the following periods:· Tuesday: between 10 am and 1 pm· Thursday: between 4 pm...

New Erasmus website

The new ISPGAYA ERASMUS site is now live! There you will find all the info about the ERASMUS @ ISPGAYA. From all the students experience to our training program, check it! Take a look, also, to all the latest news and ERASMUS contact. Rush into https://my.ispg...