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ISPGAYA Presidency

25 September, 2024
1 minute read
ISPGAYA Presidency
It is with great pride that ISPGAYA announces that Professor Jorge Simões, professor at ISPGAYA since 1991, took office as President of the institute at the beginning of this academic year. The inauguration was attended by the Vice-President, Master/Specialist Luísa Rodrigues, professor at ISPGAYA since 2003, who, in turn, has been Vice-President since 2019. She was also present at the inauguration ceremony Professor João Monteiro, President of the founding entity of ISPGAYA, CEP (Polytechnic Education Cooperative). Professor Doutor Jorge Simões succeeds the presidency of Professor Doutor Lino Tavares Dias, who ISPGAYA had the honor and privilege of having as President for the last 13 years, during this period the Professor led the institute with dedication and commitment, contributing significantly to the its growth and development.
