WAKE-UP 4.0 entrepreneurship programme - Idea Generation Workshop

On 18 October, in the scope of the curricular units of Computer Engineering Preliminary Project and Seminars (Computer Engineering) and Electronic and Automation Engineering Preliminary Project (Electronic and Automation Engineering), a workshop called Wake-Up 4.0 was held, promoted by INOVA +, and led by Ana Fonseca and Daniela Lopes, within the scope of technological entrepreneurship.
The main objectives of this workshop were to promote the development of students' entrepreneurial skills; respond to the challenges posed by the industry; promote new solutions aligned with Industry 4.0; strengthen the entrepreneurship ecosystem; promote demonstration actions and pilot projects; leverage the creation of 12 new companies.
This initiative reinforces the objectives of contextualising the projects developed in engineering at ISPGAYA in ecosystems for generating ideas, creating and applying innovative solutions with a strong technological slant, for existing equipment or to be implemented, integrating a global dynamic of digital transition.
This is followed by a logic of implementation of academic spinoffs, startups, based on higher education and sponsored by this contest of business ideas, with the possibility of access to grants for the best proposals presented.
The program Wake -up 4.0 is an initiative of AECOA (Ass. Empresarial do Concelho de Oliveira de Azemeis).
On behalf of all students, we thank the presence and sharing of knowledge.