Prototyping and MVP Sprint

On April 18, in the scope of the Information Systems curricular unit of the 3rd year of the Computer Science Engineering degree, an "innovation sprint" was held under the theme "Prototyping and MVP (Minimum Viable Product)". The initiative, integrated in the technological entrepreneurship programme Wakeup 4.0, promoted by the consortium constituted by INOV INESC and AECOA, had as guest speaker Prof. Dr. Débora Campos, from the company AgroGrIN Tech, who shared her experience in terms of prototyping and MVP. AgroGrIN Tech is a start-up that valorises fruit and vegetable by-products in new ingredients, to be used by other industries, such as food, nutritional and cosmetics.
This event was part of the support programme for the creation of start-ups with application in Industry 4.0 for young entrepreneurs, having as main objectives: to promote the development of entrepreneurial skills of students; to promote new solutions aligned with Industry 4.0; to strengthen the entrepreneurship ecosystem.