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The first event in Portugal that addresses Error and its importance in Marketing

23 April, 2021
1 minute read
The first event in Portugal that addresses Error and its importance in Marketing

Dr. Paulo Leite, a former ISPGAYA student, is collaborating in the production of an event called “Marketing Mix of Error” that will take place in the City of Maia, this being the first event in Portugal that addresses the Importance of Error in O Marketing in Portugal, a theme that is being very well accepted by the community and that many call “disruptive”.

There are already several partner brands and the Control Director of Marketing, the Director of Brand and Communication of the Salvador Caetano Group, the Electronic Commerce Manager of Delta Cafés, the Administrator of Comur, among others, are confirmed as speakers.

ISPGAYA will be a partner in this great event. In addition to ISPGAYA, being able to be present, it is possible that you collaborate by actively participating in the production of the event under the coordination / guidance of Dr. Paulo Leite.


The scheduled date is May 15, 2021 (this event will only be held in face-to-face format. If it is not possible on the scheduled date, a warm-up will be held on that day and the event will be held in September)

This year the event will have a paid entrance and will have a symbolic value of 35 €, as a matter of commitment on the part of those who intend to participate. However, for the ISPGAYA community, there will be a promotional code.

The purpose of the event is not to generate business for those who are organizing, but to help fund the necessary investments and the rest will be donated to an institution (to be defined). And what is intended is that it is not the event to donate, but all those who embark on this epic battle.

You can sign up here and use the promotional code ISPGAYA15
