Mechanical Engineering
The mechanical engineer does not live only on cars, our day to day is full of mechanical systems, from the simplest screw to the most sophisticated satellite.
The Mechanical Engineering course at ISPGAYA provides markedly practical and experimental training, based on the theoretical knowledge required for the exercise of Engineering.
Graduates in Mechanical Engineering from ISPGAYA must be able, in their professional practice, to study, develop, investigate, conceive and design mechanical and thermal components, machines, equipment, installations and mechanical and thermal systems, using conventional or renewable energies, superintend or collaborate in the phases of manufacturing, assembly, operation, inspection, quality control and maintenance of all types of facilities, and may also be responsible for the management, coordination and preparation of opinions on the different types of activities mentioned above.
Due to the close relationship between the faculty and students, the quality of the laboratories, the existing connection to the surrounding community, the Mechanical Engineering course allows a quick insertion of its graduates in the job market, as demonstrated by its high employability rate. According to the Association of Metallurgic, Metalworking and Similar Industries of Portugal, the metalworking sector exported 20 billion euros in 2021, about 31% of the national total, and is the most exporting sector in Portugal, with great growth potential and lack of qualified people.
The course has a good connection with the economic and social fabric, namely through various companies and business associations, implemented through end-of-course projects and applied research projects carried out by students.
The Degree in Mechanical Engineering is strategic for the country and for those who decide to enter it because they will be able to:
Conceive, design and design components, machines, equipment, mechanical and thermal installations using conventional or renewable energies;
Superintend or collaborate in the manufacturing and assembly or installation phases;
Manage, coordinate and prepare technical opinions on industrial equipment or installations.
Graduates can apply for admission to the Association of Technical Engineers, at the Specialty College of Mechanical Engineering.
Daytime / Post-Work
6 Terms
EQF Level 6
A3ES Accreditation
Professional Opportunities
- Designer of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems;
- Designer of metallic structures;
- Designer of pneumatic or oil-hydraulic circuits;
- Designer/Designer of industrial components or equipment;
- Maintenance Manager at industrial facilities;
- Production Manager in companies in the metalworking sector;
Admission Exams
- 07 - Física e Química (F) e 19 - Matemática A
- Minimum application grade: 98 points
- Minimum score of national exams: 95 points
A3ES Accreditation
- Crediting Period: 6 Years
- A3ES Publication Date: 25/05/2022
- A3ES Resolution
- Vacancies and General Course Information
Employability Data and Statistics
Employability Rate: 100%
Data collected in december 2024 by the Quality Observatory
- InfoCursos Portal Data
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