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Successful organisations can't have accounting issues. In addition to learning accounting and taxation, we prepare you to take on challenges in any type of company.


HLS - Weekly Teaching Hours

ECTS - European Credit Transfer System

Never stop learning

Come be part of the next generation of entrepreneurs and leaders, join us!

Live a challenging, enriching and motivating experience.

Hello, I'm Elisabeth Silva and at 44 years old, after several years of postponing, I decided to go back to studying. I knew about ISPGAYA because my son was already attending it, and it was easy for me to decide on the institution. I attended the Management course, and after three intense but rewarding years, I decided to pursue a new degree, and in four years, I completed two degrees, Management and Accounting. The path was not always easy, but I always felt the support of the institution and the professors, who maintain a very close relationship with the students. Do I recommend ISPGAYA to others? Absolutely, it was an enriching and rewarding experience for me. I gained a new family, and ISPGAYA will always be my home.
Elizabeth Silva

Elizabeth Silva


Hello, my name is Nuno Fonseca. I am 57 years old and a former student of ISPGAYA, with a degree in accounting. They say that knowledge doesn't take up space, which is why, when I was 53, I decided to increase my knowledge in my field of work. The motto of this institution is "Where the future takes you" and I would add "The future where ISPGAYA helps you reach". I chose ISPGAYA at a good time because we were all like a very large family, which facilitated the realization of my goal.
Nuno Fonseca

Nuno Fonseca


Estudante de Licenciatura no ISPGAYA

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