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Management of Tourism Activities 4.0

Tourism 4.0 is innovation and the future. Make part of successful tourism professionals in an increasingly global society.


Óscar Lima Silva

Óscar Silva


In a geopolitical context that is constantly evolving, it is vital to train specialized technicians who respond to the calls of new business models, innovative technologies and a focus on customer experience. The CTeSP in Management of Tourism Activities 4.0, thus intends to converge with the new policies that affirm tourism as a sector of innovation and future (Tourism 4.0), namely, with the strategic reference for tourism in Portugal (Tourism Strategy 2027), and with an agenda for Tourism professions (2023 – 2026). Qualified professionals, through this training offer, acquire the new knowledge and core skills, evident in the new digital economy, which will allow them to carry out a relevant professional activity for the improvement of the quality levels of the tourism offer.

Graduate Activities

  • Animation and Event Management Technician
  • Auxiliary Tour Guide
  • Digital Content Technician
  • Hotel Operations Technician
  • Information and Marketing Technician
  • Promoter of Tourism Activities
  • Tourism Activities Technician
  • Tourism entrepreneur
  • Transportation Technician
  • Travel Agency Technician




4 Terms


EQF Level 5


Progression of Studies

Graduates of this CTeSP can apply for the following degree(s) without proof of entry:

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