Tourism and Sustainable Business
Be part of the change in tourism and leisure. The importance of the proper use of environmental resources for sustainable and profitable tourism is our mission.
The Degree in Tourism and Sustainable Business at ISPGAYA provides markedly practical and experimental training, based on the theoretical knowledge required for professional practice, and it's certified by Tourism of Portugal.
It promotes inter and multidisciplinary training in various fields, by transmitting solid technical knowledge about human intervention and tourism, valuing the understanding of the intercultural dimension and its interactions in a wide range of sectoral domains of the economy and society, capable of promoting implementation of sustainable tourism businesses.
Future tourism professionals are asked to have an awareness, and a critical attitude, about ethical, environmental and legal guidelines that frame the best practices used for the implementation and sustainable management of tourism development projects.
Companies in the sector face the challenge of adapting to the new factors of competitiveness due to globalisation, the new world order, pandemic crises, energy crises, climate change, among others. Despite all the upheavals in the markets and the international and national circumstances, even if adverse, the industry will manage to generate new tourist businesses, more sustainable companies, which will require new forms and new jobs to which ISPGAYA graduates will be able to respond.
Daytime / Post-Work
6 Terms
EQF Level 6
A3ES Accreditation
Professional Opportunities
- Assistant technician in transport companies;
- Promotion of Communication/Marketing in Tourism;
- Sociocultural manager of tourist activities;
- Territorial intervention project manager;
- Tourism consultant;
- Tourism technician/tourist promotion at tourist offices;
- Tourist events manager;
- Travel agency technician/operator;
Admission Exams
- História ou Português ou Geografia
- Minimum application grade: 98 pontos points
- Minimum score of national exams: 95 pontos points
A3ES Accreditation
- Crediting Period: 3 Years
- A3ES Publication Date: 24/05/2022
- A3ES Resolution
- Vacancies and General Course Information
Employability Data and Statistics
Employability Rate: N/A
No statistical data yet
- InfoCursos Portal Data
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