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What happens, happens here. If you are curious to know the latest news and the most relevant events for the community, this is the right place.

KLC visit to ISPGAYA - Kilometer Low Cost

The 2nd year class of CTeSP Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency was visited by Eng. Pedro Nunes, CEO of KLC, who demonstrated his activity of installation, operation of charging stations of electric vehicles. Thank you for your visit and for sharing your kn...

Peddy paper with tourism

It was on December 6th that Porto and Gaia served as a setting for our students from the Tourism Degree and the Tourism Management CTeSP to discover the riches of these two cities and the structures that support the tourist activity. Congratulations not only f...


It was on November 18 that, in the context of the Wind and Water Systems UC of CTeSP Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency, it was a workshop of OnRope, a company responsible for the maintenance of wind system blades. Besides presenting the training, inspecti...

ISPGAYA at JEU Launch - Jouons Ensemble pour l'UE

In Lille, France, the European Union-funded JEU project led by the French non-governmental organization, Le partenariat, in which ISPGAYA is one of the partners, started. The project in question intends to develop didactic tools, using new technologies, that a...

Android Training Program by Google

On the 6th of November, the Android Training Program, a Google event, will be held at ISPGaya, which will consist of a short training on software development on the Android platform. This event will be open to all ISPGaya students and abroad. Registration for...

World Tourism Day 2019

ISPGAYA faculty and students of the Tourism Degree and CTeSP - Tourism Management were actively involved in the organization and debate of the various themes proposed for the commemoration of World Tourism Day. This event was attended by a panel of guest speak...