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Professions for the Future (Climate) in debate at GAIA Festival

05 June, 2023
1 minute read
Professions for the Future (Climate) in debate at GAIA Festival

As a partner institution, ISPGAYA was present, last Friday, 2nd June, in the first edition of GAIA Festival, an event dedicated to environmental awareness, organised in partnership with Agir pelo Planeta and the Municipality of Gaia.

In the scope of the lecture cycle "Professions for the Future (Climate)", held at Manuel Menezes de Figueiredo Auditorium, the panel's guest, Professor Eric Zanghi, dedicated his presentation to the topic "The Labour Market in Climate Challenges". The lecture aimed to address the growing environmental motivation, its impacts on the labour market and the skills needed at this time of transition.

The ISPGAYA lecturer, who holds a PhD in Applied Computing in Energy Systems, addressed the topics of climate change and energy transition, with special emphasis on emerging professions following the development of Artificial Intelligence, as well as the challenges for the future.
