New CTeSP in Quality, Environment and Safety Management
26 June, 2024
1 minute read

Applications are now open for the new CTeSP in Quality, Environment and Safety Management.
The creation of this course is essentially due to the need felt in the region to obtain technicians with these skills.
ISPGAYA is located in a municipality with a strong business dynamic. According to the Statistical Syntheses of the Strategy and Study Office of the Ministry of Economy, in the municipality of Vila Nova de Gaia, around 70% are small and medium-sized companies and 50% are small and micro companies. Therefore, it seems to us that the municipality's business dynamics must be accompanied by a corresponding training dynamic, adjusted to the characteristics of the business fabric. This course increases the institute's offer aimed at SMEs, training senior technicians who know how to associate and integrate quality issues, environmental issues and issues related to work and health safety, contributing to the optimization of SME management.