Extraordinary support for accommodation for students receiving family allowance up to the 3rd leve

On 9 March 2023, Order No. 3163/2023 (2nd Series) was published, which defines the process for granting extraordinary support for accommodation to higher education students who are beneficiaries of family allowance up to the 3rd bracket.
Considering that accommodation costs are currently the highest cost associated with attending higher education, this is an additional extraordinary measure to support displaced higher education students who are not beneficiaries of a scholarship but whose income level still justifies some type of support.
Therefore, students who are not beneficiaries of a scholarship are eligible:
Are in the condition of displaced student;
Are beneficiaries of family allowance, up to the 3rd level; and
Satisfy the conditions set out in the Regulation for the Award of Scholarships to Higher Education Students, except those related to income.
Students who wish to apply for this extraordinary support should submit, until 31 March 2023, an application addressed to the competent services of the Higher Education Institution, public or private, in which they are enrolled.