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Cultural Walk

19 June, 2024
1 minute read
Cultural Walk
On June 16th, the ISPGAYA Cultural Laboratory, through a joint action of its three aspects, carried out a cultural walk! The pretext was a guided visit to the site of Castelo de Gaia, where, in addition to the historical contextualization, the legend related to King Ramiro and Gaia was explored, through staged readings of the poem by Almeida Garrett and the Legendarium from Portugaliae Monumenta Historica by Alexandre Herculano, result of the work carried out by the theater group EnCena and the reading club Lês a Lés. The musical intervention was carried out by Atuna Bira Copos through a repertoire related to the city of Gaia, its history and its culture. This and previous actions seek to promote the growth of the project in the near future.

