BIP 2023: Students from ISPGAYA and European universities join Multiple Sclerosis organizations for innovative project.
27 April, 2023
1 minute read

The BIP 2023 is already underway and involves students from ISPGAYA, AP of Antwerp, HMU of Athens, and Fontys University of Applied Sciences. In addition, entities related to Multiple Sclerosis, such as the MS Center of Belgium and national counterparts such as ANEM and SPEM, are also involved.
Last year we had BIP2022, and now we are looking forward to the results of BIP 2023. On last Friday, we had the BIP midterm presentation (12h - 14h) and the most awaited moment will be from May 29th to June 6th, when teachers and students from the 4 IES will meet here at ISPGAYA for the final presentation of results.