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ISPGAYA was present at yet another BIP (Blended Intensive Project)

ISPGAYA was present at another BIP (Blended Intensive Project), promoted by the University of Łódź, in Poland. The project's theme was "Development of Transversal and Future Skills Using Robot Programming", providing an enriching and innovative experience. ISPGAYA was represented by students from the Degrees in Computer Engineering and Electronic Engineering and Automation, accompanied by teachers Dr. Arianne Pereira, Dr. Eric Zanghi and Dr. João Monteiro.

Start a Civil Society Organization at European Level

ISPGAYA had the honor of hosting APBI Associação Portuguesa de Business Intelligence at an event to disseminate the Erasmus+ CSO Admin project - “Start a civil society organization at European level”. The event took place today, at ISPGAYA, and aimed to promote activism in Civil Society, and had the collaboration of several representatives from different organizations, institutions and associations.