2nd ISPGAYA International Congress - "Digital Sustainability: Inclusion and Transformation"

The event, which has the representation of 13 countries on the Scientific Committee, will take place on October 26th and 27th, between the Corpus Christi Convent and the Instituto Superior Politécnico de Gaia, and will feature the participation of Eduardo Vítor Rodrigues, Mayor of Vila Nova de Gaia.
Prominent figures in scientific research and entrepreneurship, who bridge the realms of digital and sustainability, are also present as speakers at this international event.
The Scientific Committee is composed of professors and researchers from polytechnics and universities in countries such as Portugal, Spain, Germany, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Serbia, Ukraine, Norway, Brazil, Argentina, the USA, and Dubai.
The 2nd ISPGAYA International Congress has the support of INESC TEC (Portugal), CEOS.PP (Portugal), and CIPsp (Argentina) as Associated Research Centers, and is supported by the Municipal Council of Vila Nova de Gaia, Municipal Council of Porto, Order of Engineers, OET - Order of Technical Engineers, INOVAGAIA, IAOIP - INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF INNOVATION PROFESSIONALS, and IFTHENPAY.