02 a 04 Jun 2023 - Gaia Festival

It is with great pleasure that ISPGAYA joins GAIA Festival, an event dedicated to environmental awareness and organized in partnership with Agir pelo Planeta and the Municipality of Gaia.
On 2, 3 and 4 June, GAIA Festival will provide a unique experience at Lavandeira Park, in Gaia, with a diverse and enriching programming. During these days, recreational and educational activities will be held, with emphasis on conferences, workshops and workshops focused on sustainability and the future of the planet.
As part of the conference "Professions for the Future (Climate)", we are honoured to have the presence of one of our teachers as a speaker. Professor Eric Zanghi will address the topic of new technologies, with special emphasis on Artificial Intelligence, in which its potential impact on the future will be explored, sparking reflections on the possibilities and challenges that await us.
ISPGAYA believes that education and awareness are fundamental to building a more sustainable future. Therefore, we invite all our students, faculty and the community at large to participate in the GAIA Festival.
Join us at GAIA Festival and be part of the positive change for our planet!