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Merit Scholarships

We want to reward your talent and commitment. Know the merit scholarships available to pursue your studies.

DGES Merit Scholarships

Merit scholarships are awarded by public and private higher education establishments to students with exceptional performance, regardless of their income, in accordance with the Rules for the Attribution of Merit Scholarships to Students of Higher Education Institutions (Order 13531/2009 of 9 June, amended by Order no. 7761/2017 of 4 September). They aim to reward and distinguish the best students.

All students who have moved from year to year and those who, in the academic year prior to the award of the scholarship, have passed all the curricular units that are part of the study plan for the curricular year in which they were enrolled, with a weighted average equal to or greater than 16 values, are eligible for the Merit Scholarship.

ISPGAYA Merit Scholarships

At ISPGAYA we acknowledge and reward the merit of students who strive to obtain excelling academic results, by awarding merit scholarships.

The ISPGAYA merit scholarships are intended for students who wish to continue their academic career, either in Vocational Higher Technical Courses, or in Degrees and Masters.

To apply for the merit scholarship, consult the regulations in force and take advantage of the advantages we have for you. We want to be part of your academic success. Enjoy your merit!
